Valentine's day

10 Gifts for Valentine’s Day

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Saint Valentine of Rome,died on 14th February in AD 269 (WIKI).The Feast of Saint Valentine was established by Pope Gelasius I in  in honour of the Saint. While all this may have started in Rome, Valentines’ Day is celebrated universally today. In other words, It is the chosen day to express your love . As a matter of fact,  throughout the world, it gives an opportunity for lovers to express their sentiments in myriad ways befitting their local culture. Let the message of love be shared around the World.

Saint Valentine

Valentine’s Day Celebrations

There is a very poignant story/myth /legend underlying Valentines’ Day is celebrations. Legend has it that Saint Valentine was sentenced to the gallows. He loved the jailor’s daughter so dearly that he wrote his last love letter to her signed as” your Valentine”  prior to his execution.Hence , 14th February is celebrated as Valentine’s Day. However, how this day came to be celebrated the world over, is still a mystery.

So let us plan gift ideas & celebrations for Valentine’s Day.Let us make it special for our loved one & for us. We can buy special gifts, celebrate special  experiences together or do both. Feeling special is always a great feeling . So let us help create love & togetherness. Today, people from all walks of life celebrate Valentine’s Day. Let us help to choose the right gift and make their day special .

Valentine Day Gifts

Shops &  e commerce sites are full of suggestions on how  to make this day special. There are offers on  several appropriate gifts such as photo frames, charms, lamps, sculptures, perfumes,  personal mugs and wine glasses.However, jewellery  pieces such as rings and pendants are the most popular gifts. However, everyone loves chocolates & that is definitely our first choice too.

Valentine's Day

Further, you can always plan a meal at a fancy  restaurant.Candle light dinners are truly special. However, think of something  out of the ordinary . Ways to celebrate with your Valentine. Age no bar!

Valentines’ Day is a time to sit back & enjoy your  partner’s and  best friend’s company. Remember, “All you need is love” !-The Beatles sang that more than 50 years ago

Do Something Crazy!

1.Tango  on Valentine’s Day???

Valentine's Day


Have you watched  the film Scent of a Woman ?Al Pacino, a, blind army man does the Tango in the movie and it is so beautiful.This is the time of the year to start Tango. No one in really watching . Watch you tube videos & learn to dance . Go dancing with  the loe of your life.

2.Go cycling


Cycling is really fun & we have all enjoyed the freedom that comes with it . Choose eraly morning hours when the sun is bright & warm .Choose a road which has no 4 wheelers & then you can zoom off on your cycles. Several cities have cycle stands . Pick two of tejm & go riding .

3.Watch movies together on Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day


Binge watching and movie marathons. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Sony and  Disney Hot-star are all waiting to be explored. There are Spanish films,Korean films & regional Indian films too. All with subtitles. Romantic comedies are the best films to watch . Spend a relaxed evening at home . Better still watch films all day .

4.Cook a special meal together on Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day


First, before you start to cook,set up your bar with your favorite beverages .Enjoy the small things. . It is easy to choose a recipe from the Internet . You can all the ingredients from Instamart .Make an interesting meal at home. Set up a candle lit table on the Verandah and order a special meal if you do not like to cook .

Swiggy & Zomato will  be ever willing to assist you in your decision making.

5.You can learn to play bridge and other card games or board games. on Valentine’s Day  Interesting ?

Valentine's Day

You may not have thought about this earlier. Learn how to play bridge on the internet or pick

up Scrabble or Wordle,Sudoko. It will help improve your memory & vocabulary for sure. Or pick up a new instrument to learn .

Just make sure you have loads of fun while spending time  precious together.

With the global spread of the Valentine Day festival, the Valentine Week has also been socialized and marketed  to surreal  heights. Companies are ready to sell you everything from roses to chocolates & soft cuddly teddys at the press of a button. While it is a marketing gimmick no doubt, it is perfectly fine to buy these beautiful items of love ,the sentiment behind is so important .Valentine's Day

Shakespeare said ‘If music be the food of love, play on’ and so played the Beatles Love love me do ,,,You know I love you ,,, . As a matter of fact several of the Beatle songs epitomized love during the 60s & 70s. Valentine Week has just begun. Make the most of it.

Valentine's Day

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