Curio Centre

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What's Interesting:Antique Furniture

Products:Home Decor

40, Romain Rolland Street, Pondicherry 605001



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Near Bussy Street



Curio Centre,Pondicherry

Within walking distance from the Geethanjali store is Curio Centre Pondicherry, which stocks antique wooden furniture and curio pieces .What appears as a small shop form the outside is a great place to browse through colonial antique furniture which are mostly in teak. There are 3 rooms filled with poster beds, consoles, tables and chairs. Beautiful period pieces, lovingly and grandly restored, are all displayed. They export as well.

Curio Centre is one of the best shops for wooden, antique & curio pieces. This Shop is in the French Quarters in Pondicherry. Interestingly, one can walk around the French Quarters . There is no vehicular traffic.

4.7/5 - (6 votes)

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