Best Shoes and Bags Shops in Pondicherry: The importance of a handbag or a travel bag cannot be underestimated. The days of carrying a small wallet when stepping outside the home are gone. A handbag is an absolute necessity these days.
We came across this well-known leather goods brand that all of us love so much. Yes, we are talking about Hidesign which was in fact originally founded in Pondicherry itself.
The brand got a whole lot of amazing range for all your varied needs. At their store in Tamil Quarters, you can shop for high-end handbags, sling bags, shoulder bags, clutches, credit card holders, gift bags, briefcases, laptop cases, wallets, belts and garments.
So bag lovers, head to this store to choose your favorite pick from more than 30 colours available here. You may also check out leather jackets and sunglasses, among other attractive products at this store.
With more than 60 retail and premium outlet stores in India and around the world, Hidesign has design teams working from Pondicherry, Milan and London.
It is time to shop for funky and colorful bags at Via Pondicherry. This small store boasts of a great assortment of bags with multi-color digital prints. Large funky bags along with small totes stocked here are an all-time favorite with youngsters. These bags are also embellished with beautiful prints, embroidery, beads and sequins work. Do visit the shop while in Pondicherry!
Check out for the best shoes and bags shops in the beautiful city of Pondicherry.