The Cotton House

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What's Interesting:Bed Linen


27 Vysial Street , Heritage Town, Pondicherry- 1


Rs.100 and above

Days Closed

Open all days


Near AKR Parcel service


Roadside parking

The Cotton House

Cotton House is a small nondescript shop on the roadside. Visitors are expected to leave their footwear outside the store.Once you enter the store however, you will be amazed with the range of home accessories that is stocked here. It is one of the best shops for Home decor in Pondicherry.This is not a fancy store. Just affordable home decor

Home Decor in Pondicherry

Curtains, bedcovers, tablecloths, cushion covers, pillow covers, table mats and similar home furnishings are available in plenty .The fabric used is pure cotton and poly cotton. The prints are bright and pleasing. The prices are unbelievably affordable. Great stocks at good prices with helpful sales girls.”

Great products at good prices are some of the benefits of shopping in Cotton House at Pondicherry.

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4.7/5 - (16 votes)

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